Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jamaican Jumble Sales - My New Target

Two weeks ago I met with Fr. Martin, the priest in Knockpatrick and Prattville, in order to learn more about both of those communities. He informed me that Knockpatrick would be having a "Jumble Sale" the coming week, which would be a great opportunity for me to meet both the parishioners and other members of the community, since according to him these Jumble Sales were popular events that drew the entire community.

I soon learned that a Jumble Sale is basically a church bazaar, and that Fr. Martin was not exaggerating that they were popular; the Knockpatrick Jumble Sale was worse than Black Friday at a Target in America. I showed up a little before 9 am the day of the sale, looking all nice and sweaty since I had taken the "Knockpatrick" route taxi only to learn that it won't take you further than the northern border of the town, leaving me to walk up the hill the rest of the way. (I was informed later in the day by a 12 year old that I should have taken the "Newport" taxi to get to Knockpatrick - Duh, how could I have not known that?!) Anyway, despite the fact that it had started over an hour before I arrived, the Jumble Sale was PACKED because they were selling clothes, THE hot item in Jamaican Jumble Sales. I was shocked to see how many people were there and how aggressive they were with their finds. I was soon put to work stuffing bags as the woman in charge tallied the purchases, and it wasn't until about 2 hours later that the sale slowed down and I was able to start getting to know people!

Apparently my experience in Knockpatrick was not scarring enough to keep me away from Jumble Sales, because on Saturday the cathedral in Mandeville, whose grounds abut those of the school grounds on which we live, had its own Jumble Sale, and Natalie and I spent our Saturday morning wading through piles of clothes to find some items to add to our Jamaica wardrobes. I spent a total of $900 (about US$10.70!) on SEVEN things, many of which were name brands. (I know that Nikki will be happy to hear that, as appalling as it may be that I bought used stuff!) It was even cheaper than Salvation Army or Savers in the US! These Jumble Sales may really become my Target - I work at them and love to shop at them on a budget :)

My Jumble Sale Purchases

The Jumble Sale was a success for several reasons. First, I hadn't brought enough warm clothes or dressy clothes, so I was able to buy a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt (which I'm sure Ben will claim I bought only because it has a certain city on it), a couple of pairs of pants, and a dress. Second, I was able to buy all of that within my meager volunteer stipend budget. Third, I got to meet a lot of people at both Jumble Sales. And finally, fourth, a lot of the Jamaican people that we talk to are impressed that we shopped there and that we aren't "above" wearing those clothes. I think that it goes a long way in showing them that we are going to "accompany" them and live somewhat similarly to them this year.

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Just a quick thanks to those that have donated to PVI in recent weeks. I really appreciate all of your support, and I hope that your Thank Yous have reached you, as I have sent them back to the US to be mailed with anyone that I run into heading that way! Keep in touch, as I love hearing from all of you!

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